The family decided to take a trip to a city named Talca this past Monday. It is located about 2.5 to 3 hours south of Santiago. This was one trip of many that we will probably take over the next several months. The options are almost endless when one thinks about where the Lord may want us to start our first church. Be in prayer with us for what the future holds and where the Lord will have us to be. We have several pictures that we took and you will notice two things in particular. There is a picture of a J.W. Church and also of a Catholic Church. Beside that, when we first arrived in the city it was lunch time. We went to: of course McDonalds! While there we saw four Mormons having their lunch as well. We talked to a lady named Judy at McDonalds for about 15 minutes and during our conversation we asked her about Baptist Churches in the area. She said that she did not know of any and the whole time we drove around we did not see any either.