Saturday, January 12, 2008

Attaining Our Visas

On January 24th the whole family will be travelling to Atlanta, GA. We will be meeting with the Chilean Consul at 3:00 p.m. to apply for our visas. This is a vital step in our leaving for the country. Be in prayer with us that we will have all of the paper work done correctly and that there will be no glitches in the process. We are gathering and finishing everything on our end so we will be ready for that day.
God bless,
The McBryar Family


Anonymous said...

We will be praying about this request and have it on our church prayer list. Love y'all and miss you too!

Love, Brent, Amy, Lara, Briana and Linda

Austin Gardner said...

We will be praying for you that God will provide all and you will soon have your visas. If you have minute come by the church and I will buy you a glass of water!!!!

Have a great day!

Barry Cater said...

Nice to meet you, heard about you from Jason Kenney's blog. Hope it goes well with the visas.

Barry Cater
Pastor in Alabama